Part 13: Hot Sewer Sex
Hot Sewer SexPreviously, on ATOM RPG... posted:
Welcome back! Last time, on the violence run, we hooked up with Devi Christu. Today Bear is going to wander Krasnoznamenny and help a sewer mutant.
I just want you all to remember that you voted for this.

Anyway, leaving the casino of wacky cultists and horny cult leaders, we need to find a manhole.

This manhole is sadly blocked by unknown forces and we can't get in.

We can, however, go down this manhole and do adventures.

There's a lot of dumb bullshit in this manhole, some of which we can't interact with (we're not possessed), some of which has worthless rewards (a big rat fight), some of which I don't want to start yet, and...

Everyone who voted to help the mutant because he was more virtuous than the pizzagate guys can sit down now.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Holy goddamn shit! There's a fucking disgusting ass mutant ahead of you!
: Don't mess with this mutant! He's fucking gross!
: Hello...I'm a creepy fuck! You're not a citizen...the citizens attack me on sight because I peek up their skirts and masturbate furiously, boyoyoyoiing!
: I was, uh, passing through, but I guess we can chat if you've got rumors or something.
: This guy is fucking gross! I'm going to reiterate this in case you didn't get it!
: What? You've never heard of Toilet Kruul? Well, I have a quest for you! Go kill all the spiders, and I'll give you some money I found!
: Sure, why not.

It's ATOM combat. We got Fidel a Skorpion SMG so he can actually contribute and spend all his AP and our 9mm ammo killing weaker enemies. Bear's Cossack Steel ruins the giant spiders, so we just awkwardly wait for the spiders to wander up and then one-shot critical them to death.

The sheer amount of repetition ensures the character is memorable as disgusting, at least.

Oh boy! Shit encrusted items! How could we say no?

Did we need this in here?

I know I shit on this game's prose enough, but I want to say that I really do think it could be better. Yes, the realism is functional, and the dialog attempts humor, but you have the disconnect between the feverish conspiracy zone the game wants to portray and the banal realism of redundant actions. We don't need Kruul's delaying actions in parenthesis after he says "So...", the delay is implied.

Now, this kind of works to show how disgusting Kruul is by slavering over this unfortunate woman. Ok.

This is further reinforced by the dialog of him peeping under her skirt as a weird sex offender.

It's stuff like this that tells me the writers were insecure of the effect of their writing and felt the need to reinforce it. First they have Kruul describe his weird "love quest", then they compare him to a house fly, then he goes on to describe peeking up a woman's skirt, and that's all they need to convey disgust! They've been reinforcing the idea that he's a stinky disgusting abomination of nature constantly, and now they don't think that's enough and they feel the need to browbeat the player even further.

I don't necessarily even mind verbosity, but this is just banal. The dialogue in this game is actually fairly distinctive for each of the characters. Kruul describes Nastasya like a piece of candy (sweet and tasty) and it conveys to the reader how disgusting he is. Then we cut to the dully realist narrator that's the same for all of these characters, which is written less as a literary piece and more like a screenplay of stage directions. I will admit that I am biased as I'm transcribing all this by hand, so yell at me in the thread.

The saddest thing is that this sleek-face appellation and general speech mannerisms are perfectly adequate at conveying how disgusting this mutant is.

Unfortunately for Fidel, there are shit-encrusted items on the line.

Let's take our drug-addled ass up to go get Nastasya.

We get a loading screen!

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Ooh, the spiders didn't eat you, man I am creepy toward!
: I killed them all!
: Yes...yess...let me invade your personal space...YES! Here, take this stinky money...and now, I have another quest for you! I don't have money but I can pay you in shit-encrusted items.
: Uh, sure. What is it?
: See, I've been on a love quest...
: The first time I met her I was perving on women through the sewer manholes...she was wearing a dress, but I could see her underwear, boyoyoyoying!
: I fell in lust with her, Nastasya...god damn, I want her! I started leaving her dead animals and shit encrusted items! Now it's mutual! I want to bring her into the sewer, but I can't just ask her, it's got to be a surprise. Can you lure her to a sewer grate so I can keep her down here forever?
: Please do not do this fucked up thing, amigo.
: Hey, Nastasya, can you come to the sewer? There's...there's a puppy in the sewer!
: Yay! Puppies!
: Nastasya was kidnapped by the gross mutant in banal realist prose. You follow him.
: Nastasya...
: Kruul? What the fuck?
: Nastasya... I love you. Will you marry me, and live with me in this shitty sewer?
: Oh my god, yes! YES! I've waited so long!
: My friend who I am creepy toward, take all this shit encrusted crap people flushed down the toilet. Now get out so we can FUCK!

And on that note we'll leave the further misadventures of Bear and Fidel for another day.
Next time: Remember that crazy anti-Semite writer Prokhanov?